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With QuickBooks Online, you will benefit from the speed, simplicity and flexibility that come from working in the cloud.
Manage your books anytime via remote access using multiple devices
Automatically backs up your data
Bank level security
(A) Functions and Features :
1. No installation required
2. Handle Journal Entry / Invoice / Purchase Order / Inventory
3. Bilingual Display and Print Out
4. Support Multi Currency / Multi Users
5. Accounts / Customer / Supplier / Products and Services list in MS Excel CSV format can import to the program
6. Customise your sales form designs, set defaults, and manage multiple templates
7. Recurring Transaction - you can schedule transactions to occur either automatically or with reminders
8. Bank Reconcile
9. Budgeting - you can create Profit and Loss Budgets, which track amounts in income and expenses accounts
10. Track Classes - add a Class field on forms so you can assign transactions to different segments like departments
11. Track Location - add a Location field on forms so you can assign transactions to different locations like stores, sales regions
12. Time Tracking - enter time sheets for your work have done and bill to your client
13. Reports can export to Excel file or send out via email
14. Assign different access right to different QuickBooks Online users
15. Audit Log to check QuickBooks Online Users' activities
(B) Reports Layout
Accounts | Company Snapshot | General Ledger | A/R Ageing Summary |
Profit and Loss | Profit and Loss in Detail | Sales by Product Summary | Employee's Time Activity |
Product / Service List | Stock Take Worksheet |
(C) Plans and
Pricing (One QuickBooks Online handle one company only)
1. QuickBooks Online - Plus Version
(Price for single company only, if you handle multi companies, pay the same price on each company)
- Monthly charge HK$240
- Prepaid for 12 months (1 Year), the cost is HK$2,400
- On Site basic operation training (around 3 hours) cost HK$1,000
2. Special Offer :- access for unlimited users
:- free Telephone / Email Support
Request Quotation or more detail information, please feel free to contact us by phone 2503 2568 or via Email
Enquiry Hotline : (852) 2503 2568 Fax : (852) 3020 0262 E-Mail : cs@ubest.org Terms & Conditions
Send mail to cs@ubest.org with questions or comments about this web site.
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